🚀 lbactions

Custom actions for Objective Development’s excellent LaunchBar application utility for OS X.

Browse the LaunchBar Developer Documentation.

# Actions

# Add to Notes
Creates a new note with the input string
# Toggle Dark Mode
Toggle macOS’ dark mode
# Curl & Open
Writes the contents of a URL to a temporary file and opens the file in its default application
# Fetch Newest File
Retrieve the newest file created in ~/Desktop/ or ~/Downloads and select it in LaunchBar
# Get BBEdit Document
Retrieve the path for the document in BBEdit’s active window
# Get Xcode Source File
Retrieve the path for the frontmost source file in Xcode
# Get Safari URL
Retrieve the URL from Safari’s active window
# Get Safari Technology Preview URL
Retrieve the URL from Safari Technology Preview’s active window
# Make Data URI
Builds a data URI for the file passed in. Supports the following filetypes:
  • PDF
  • CSS
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • plain text
# Show in New Finder Window
Open a new Finder window and selects the file
# Replace Text
A homegrown replacement for TextExpander. View the default lookup table.
# Fetch Newest File
Select the newest file from ~/Desktop, ~/Downloads in LaunchBar.
# Minimize
Replace all new lines and duplicate whitespace characters (`\n`) with a single space (` `)

Clone it.